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This is a map of La Esperanza, Honduras, You can Show street map of La Esperanza, Honduras, Show satellite imagery(with street names, without street names) and Show street map with terrain, enable Panoramio
La Esperanza is the capital city and a municipality of the same name of the department of Intibucá, Honduras. The city of La Esperanza is merged indistinguishably with the city of Intibucá, the head of the neighboring municipality of Intibucá. Intibucá is the older of the two cities and was originally a Lenca community, while La Esperanza is the newer ladino community. The two cities, often called the twin cities, while distinct with separate municipal governments, are generally referred to jointly as La Esperanza and are separated only by a street that crosses town. La Esperanza is famous for having the coolest climate in Honduras and also for being the heart of the Ruta Lenca, a region of Lenca ethnic influence that spans Honduras from Santa Rosa de Copan to Choluteca.









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